
Bredon Hancock's Endowed

C of E First School

Dream, Believe, Love, Work, Achieve!

Wider curriculum


How and why does the weather change? We will locate and name the countries that make up the UK. We will build on our reception knowledge of the four seasons. We will observe the weather and investigate hot and cold places in the UK.


Painting and mixed media

We will learn about primary and secondary colours, colour mixing techniques and applying these skills in painting and printing.

PSHE – Jigsaw - Healthy Me


The children will learn the difference between being healthy and unhealthy. They will think about how to keep themselves clean. They will also look at how all household products including medicines can be harmful if not used properly



We will be learning to listen Listening is very important. You can listen with your eyes and ears and you can also feel sound in your body. They will also have chances to create music and use instruments.

Physical Development

Target games


In this unit, pupils develop their understanding of the principles of defending and attacking Dance They will explore travelling actions, movement skills and balancing


Grouping Data


This unit introduces pupils to data and information. They will begin by using labels to put objects into groups, and labelling these groups
