Glow Day
As part of our PE Curriculum Enrichment, we took part in a Glow Day. We got to wear glow in the dark bibs and use our ball skills learning to compete against each other.
Trip to Worcestershire County Museum - 1900s School Room
The children were very lucky to experience what a school day would be like in the 1900s. They dressed in traditional uniform and lined up before being asked to enter the classroom in silence (like they would have in the 1900s). The children were informed of the school rules: don't speak unless you are spoken to, only sit down when asked and address the teacher as Mam or Sir. The children experienced typical lessons and a traditional playtime. The children thoroughly enjoyed exploring the traditional toys, which linked to their previous learning in Year 1.
Children in Need - Pudsey Nature Challenge
For Children in Need, the children were given a challenge to create Pudsey out of natural things. The children worked collaboratively to create an image of Pudsey's face. The children thoroughly enjoyed working together to create their faces.