
Bredon Hancock's Endowed

C of E First School

Dream, Believe, Love, Work, Achieve!



Introduction to the Bredon Hancock's

School Governors

Who are the Governors?

What is a governor?


Governors are volunteers who come from different backgrounds, reflecting the many interests of groups involved in our school, but they have one important thing in common; they are dedicated to ensuring that the children in their school have the best education possible. This must be the primary focus of all governing body business.


Effective governance is about teamwork with the Head Teacher, staff, governors and the community.

Governors have a vital role to play in bringing individual experiences to bear on the role of being a School Governor. School governance is a team effort and decisions are made corporately; individual governors do not act on their own.


Governing bodies have many responsibilities but in general are there to set the policy framework for the school and to monitor the implementation of policies as managed and carried out by the Head Teacher and staff.


Our key roles as governors are to: 

- Bring a strategic view

- Be a critical friend 

- Ensure accountability


Find out more about the role of Parent Governor in the link to a leaflet below. 


What do the governors do?


As a body we support, challenge and monitor what's happening in the school. We meet regularly as a full governing body and also as smaller groups who have responsibility for specific areas - resources (finance, premises), curriculum & standards and personnel.

Minutes of full meetings are available from the school office, please ask Miss Davies.


How do you find out more?

If you have any questions or would like any more information please contact any of the governors or the Clerk, Mrs. Claire Finch, via email on


Governor Meetings - Minutes of Meetings:

Please note minutes of Governor meetings are available on request from the School Office.

Maintained schools governance guide


These guides replace the DfE Governance Handbook, which was last revised in October 2020. The publication of the guides coincides with the DfE removing the Competency frameworks for both governing boards and governance professionals.

Please click to download.
