
Bredon Hancock's Endowed

C of E First School

Dream, Believe, Love, Work, Achieve!


Addition and Subtraction:

We will be learning how to add and subtract accurately using prior knowledge and new strategies.

  • Add 1s across a 10;
  • Add 10s across a 100;
  • Subtract 1s across a 10.
  • Subtract 10s across 100.
  • Make connections.
  • Add and subtract two numbers - no exchange, across a 10 and 100.
  • Add and subtract 2-digit and 3-digit numbers.
  • Estimation and using the inverse.


Multiplication and Division:

Following our addition and subtraction unit, we will be learning how to multiply and divide.

  • Multiplication - equal groups;
  • Use arrays'
  • Multiples of 2, 5 and 10;
  • Sharing and grouping;
  • Multiply and divide by 3;
  • 3x table;
  • Multiply and divide by 4;
  • 4x table;
  • Multiply and divide by 8;
  • 8x table.