How do festivals and family life show what matters to Jews?
By the end of this unit, children will:
• Identify some Jewish beliefs about God, sin and forgiveness and describe what they mean;
• Make clear links between the story of the Exodus and Jewish beliefs about God and his relationship with the Jewish people;
• Offer informed suggestions about the meaning of the Exodus story for Jews today;
• Make simple links between Jewish beliefs about God and his people and how Jews live (e.g. through celebrating forgiveness, salvation and freedom at festivals);
• Describe how Jews show their beliefs through worship in festivals, both at home and in wider communities;
• Raise questions and suggest answers about whether it is good for Jews and everyone else to remember the past and look forward to the future;
• Make links with the value of personal reflection, saying sorry, being forgiven, being grateful, seeking freedom and justice in the world today, including pupils’ own lives, and giving good reasons for their ideas.