The children will be looking at food in particular fruit and vegetables, and then preparing fruits and vegetables to create a smoothie.
We will be looking at drawing and the different types of lines we can use. We will use artists such as Wassily Kandinsky, Renata Bernal and Ilya Bolotowsky as inspiration.
Physical Development
Our P.E. days are Monday and Wednesdays. It is expected that children have the correct P.E. in school, jewellery is removed and long hair is tied back.
Our first units of work are Fundamentals, where the children will develop the fundamental skills balancing, moving at speed, changing direction, jumping, hoping and skipping.
We will also be doing Yoga – exploring mindfulness, developing balance and flexibility.
This half term we will be covering the unit “My musical heartbeat”.
The children will learn that Every piece of music has a heartbeat - a musical heartbeat. In music, we call it the 'pulse' or the 'beat' of the music.
In computing we will be learning about the technology around us. They will develop their understanding of technology and how it can help them. The children will also look at how to keep safe on the internet, reminding them of our SMART rules.
Within Geography we will be looking at “What is it like here? A Study of the Locality”
This will involve looking at the difference between a city, town and village. Exploring maps and aerial views, as well as a walk around the village to do fieldwork.
PSHE – Jigsaw
Mrs Kay will be looking at the unit ‘Being Me in My World.’