
Bredon Hancock's Endowed

C of E First School

Dream, Believe, Love, Work, Achieve!

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities



At Bredon Hancock's, we value each and every one of our children; they are all unique and shine in many different ways. Listed below is our SEND policy and School Information Report, as well as additional policies and website links that may be useful. 


It is important that any potential Special Educational Needs are identified as quickly as possible. At Bredon Hancock's, we follow an Assess, Plan, Do, Review approach.  


Quality First Teaching

Every member of staff at Bredon Hancock's is committed to providing the best education possible to the children in our care. Staff have regular training in the most up-to-date teaching methods and the Senior Leadership Team ensure that the delivery of our curriculum is accessible to all children, no matter what. Carefully planned sequences of scaffolded learning, together with clearly modelled examples and thought-provoking questioning ensures that every child has the opportunity to reach their potential.



If a child is identified by the class teacher as needing a little additional support in a specific area, then they will be placed in an intervention for a short period of time. Interventions at Bredon Hancock's are run by our wonderful Teaching Assistants under the supervision of the Phase Leaders and SENDCo. Some interventions are implemented to support a child's academic knowledge whilst others are used to aid their social skills or mental health.


First Steps

Working together in partnership with parents, First Step forms outline a child's strengths and areas of difficulty once a concern has been raised. Small, measurable targets are devised and additional support provided to enable the child to meet these targets. First Step forms are reviewed half termly by the class teacher alongside the parents. 


My Plans

If a child is under the support of an external professional (e.g. a speech therapist or Educational Psychologist) or staff, including the SENDCo, need to monitor a child's needs further, then a My Plan may be created. These documents outline a child's strengths and areas of difficulty in more detail and specific targets are reviewed termly with parents and the child themselves. If a child has a My Plan then they are placed on the SEND Register.



Sometimes, a child's needs require reasonable adjustments to be made in the classroom and wider school environment for them to meet their full potential. A child may also require more pastoral support e.g. specific communicational phrases to be used, seating positions or technology to aid their learning. In these instances, a Passport is created by the class teacher. Some children with a Passport are placed on the SEND Register in consultation with the SENDCo and parents. 



A small number of children with very specific needs may have an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP). More information regarding these can be found below.


If you have any questions then please don't hesitate to contact the school office or your child's class teacher in the first instance, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


Many thanks

Miss Adams


Our SEND policy

SEN Information Report (SIR)
