Place Value:
At the start of Year 3, we will focus on Place Value. We will complete a number of steps to revisit and consolidate our learning:
- Represent numbers to 100;
- Partition numbers to 100;
- Number line to 100;
- Hundreds;
- Represent numbers to 1,000;
- Partition numbers to 1,000;
- Flexible partitioning of numbers to 1,000;
- Hundreds, tens and ones;
- Find 1, 10 or 100 more or less;
- Number line to 1,000;
- Estimate on a number line to 1,000;
- Compare numbers to 1,000;
- Order numbers to 1,000;
- Count in 50s.
Addition and Subtraction:
Following our place value learning, we will learn how to add and subtract accurately using prior knowledge and new strategies.
- Apply number bonds within 10;
- Add and subtract 1s;
- Add and subtract 10s;
- Add and subtract 100s;
- Spot the pattern;
- Add 1s across a 10;
- Add 10s across a 100;
- Subtract 1s across a 10.