
Bredon Hancock's Endowed

C of E First School

Dream, Believe, Love, Work, Achieve!



Curriculum coverage

This term we will be foccussing on writing to inform. We will be transferring our reading into writing skills based on the book The Skies above my eyes by Charlotte Guillain. We will use the story to inspire non-chronological reports in a similar style to the book. We will also be planning and writing a newspaper report based on the book Curiosity by Markus Motum. Spelling and grammar will also be taught throughout each unit.

Children will come home with a reading for pleasure book and a banded reading book. In school. Like last term the children will be taking part in whole class guided reading sessions which will focus on an extract of a text for a week. We will be building the reading skills laid out on the website.

At Home: Even though your child is in year 5, it is vital for you to listen to them read at home aloud at least three times a week. At Bredon Hancock’s we promote a love of reading throughout the school and it really does make a difference to their success in school if we have your full support with this at home. We would also like you to practise spellings with them once a week.
