
Bredon Hancock's Endowed

C of E First School

Dream, Believe, Love, Work, Achieve!

Wider Curriculum


What did the ancient Egyptians believe? 



Children will explore ancient Egyptian beliefs. They will use primary sources to make inferences about the afterlife, and investigate pyramids, mummies, and gods and goddesses.  



Painting and mixed media: light and dark



Children will develop their skills in colour mixing, focussing on using tints and shades to create a 3D effect. They will experiment with composition and apply painting techniques to a personal still life piece.



Food- Adapting a recipe



Children will adapt an existing biscuit recipe, whilst considering the cost of the ingredients and other expenses against a set budget.



Programming- repetition in shapes



Children will explore repetition and loops within programming. They will create programs by planning, modifying, and testing commands to create shapes and patterns.



Dance and Netball  



Children are expected to have indoor and outdoor kit in school at all times including trainers. Please make sure all kit is labelled.


Dance - children will focus on creating characters and narrative through movement and gesture. They will think about how to use movement to explore and communicate ideas and issues, and their own feelings and thoughts. There will be opportunities to work individually, in pairs and small groups to develop confidence in performing.


Netball - children will develop skills such as defending, attacking, throwing, catching and shooting. They will learn to use a range of different passes to keep possession and consider defending and attacking. They will learn key rules of the game such as footwork, held ball, contact and obstruction.



Dreams and goals 



Children will talk about their hopes and dreams, discuss how it feels when dreams don’t come true and how to cope with/ overcome feelings of disappointment. They will talk about making new plans and setting new goals even if they have been disappointed before.





Children will learn to say and write who is in their family and begin to describe what they look like. They will also learn more about masculine, feminine and plural pronouns and when to use these.



Compose with your friends

Children will work in groups to compose music together, considering the tonic of their composition. They will practise listening, singing, and playing instruments, and discuss the question; how does music improve our world?
