Do Everything in Love
Statement of Intent
The digital world is a very real and significant part of our children's lives. It is a place of interest, excitement, creation and invention and as such, is a place that we aim to prepare our children to be a positive part of. At Bredon Hancock's Endowed CE First School, we aim to prepare our learners for their future by giving them the opportunities to gain knowledge and develop skills that will equip them for an ever-changing digital world. We want all our pupils to be competent in the key areas of computing and able to apply their knowledge and understanding safely in real-life. Knowledge and understanding of ICT is of increasing importance for our children’s future.
Our Computing Curriculum focuses on a progression of knowledge in digital literacy, computing, information technology and online safety to ensure that children become competent in safely using, as well as understanding, technology. In Computing, we will teach the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming information. In addition, we aim to ensure our children are equipped to use information technology to create programs. Computing also ensures that our pupils become digitally literate and able to explore, use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.
Statement of Implementation
At Bredon Hancock's Endowed CE First School, we follow The National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE). The National Centre for Computing Education is funded by the Department for Education and marks a significant investment in improving the provision of computing education in England. The goal of the NCCE is to transform the way computing is taught in schools across the country and enable more young people to benefit from studying this important subject. Through this, their skills and career opportunities will be enhanced into the future.
Below is the curriculum journey our computing will follow from Year 1 to Year 6. The framework uses an innovative progression to allow to children to build on their prior learning year-on-year. Each year group will have a unit of work linked to each of the following areas: