
Bredon Hancock's Endowed

C of E First School

Dream, Believe, Love, Work, Achieve!

Wider Curriculum


What is life like in the Alps? 



Children will explore the climate of mountain ranges and consider why people choose to visit the Alps. We will focus on Innsbruck (Austria) and look at the human and physical features that attract tourists.



Craft and design: Ancient Egyptian Scrolls 



Children will explore and create Ancient Egyptian art. They will apply the styles, patterns, and techniques of Ancient Egyptian art to design scrolls, make paper, and create contemporary responses using zines.



Electrical systems: torches 



Children will identify the difference between electrical and electronic products. They will evaluate a range of existing torches and their features, then develop a new functional torch design of their own.



Data Logging 



Children will consider how and why data is collected over time. They will collect data as well as access data captured over long periods of time, and review and analyse this. Children will pose questions and then use data loggers to automatically collect data



Cricket and golf 



Children are expected to have indoor and outdoor kit in school at all times including trainers. Please make sure all kit is labelled.


Cricket - children will explore their understanding of the principles of striking and fielding. They will expand on their knowledge of the different roles of bowler, wicket keeper, fielder and batter. In all activities, pupils will have to think about how they use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition.


Golf - children will explore and develop their accuracy of aiming at a target. They will develop their understanding of techniques to use over long and short distances. They will have opportunities to apply their skills and knowledge in a range of challenges working individually and with others in both co-operative and competitive environment. 



Healthy me 



Children will explore what it means to be safe and healthy. They will encounter the topics; healthy friendships, group dynamics, the effects of smoking, the effects of alcohol, and celebrating inner strengths and assertiveness.




Children will learn about going to a cafe in France, how to order food and what currency is used. They will look in detail at a Festival of fruit that takes place in Menton, France.



Feelings through music 



Children will use instruments with different sounds to help communicate different emotions. They will explore the music in this unit and try to connect their feelings with what they hear. Throughout the unit, we will explore the question ‘How Does Music Teach Us About Our Community?’.
