Why is trade so important? A case study of India and the tea trade.
In Geography this term, we will be learning about trade. We will be learning about what trade is and what is meant by fair trade. To support our understanding of trade, we will be focus on the tea trade in India. We will locate India on a map and explore the physical and human features of India. Once we have learnt about India we will think about how the country of India supports the production of tea and how this is then transported to other countries. To consolidate our learning, we will respond to our big question and think about why trade is important to countries.
Our PE sessions this half term, will continue to be on a Tuesday and Thursday.
In our Tuesday PE sessions we will be focusing on ball skills. We will be learning how to track, throw, catch, dribble and kick a ball. The ball skills we acquire, we will then be able to apply in our PE lessons throughout the year. In our Thursday PE sessions, we will be learning gymnastics. We learn different types of point and patch balances, jumps and rolls that we will apply both on and off apparatus.
In Jigsaw this half term, our focus will be on 'Celebrating Difference'. We will think about what makes us unique and we will learn that all families are different. Within our Jigsaw sessions, we will also focus on 'anti-bullying', what bullying is and what we can do if we feel that ourselves or our peers are being bullied.