
Bredon Hancock's Endowed

C of E First School

Dream, Believe, Love, Work, Achieve!




I would like to thank everyone that filled in the homework questionnaire, we had 91 responses, which is amazing.


Homework is not statutory; however, we all recognise the positive impact that purposeful homework can have on our children’s learning journey and the support that parents give is invaluable. Having read all of the comments and considered them carefully, the staff and I have agreed the following homework timetable for this year.


We have also consulted some of our past Year 5 pupils, who have informed us that it is really important to have deadlines set in order to prepare them for Middle School. The Middle School set homework deadlines and have sanctions in place if the deadlines are not met. Therefore, the Maths works sheet will be set on a Friday to be handed in the following Thursday. It will then be marked and returned to the children to bring home.


As a result of parent consultation, all Maths worksheet homework will be based on that week’s learning or based on gaps identified in on-going assessments.


Homework Timetable:

The writing in bold shows the staggered approach to building on the amount of homework throughout the year for our youngest pupils. 






Autumn 2




Reading & Numbots



Reading & Numbots

Class 1:

Autumn 2

Reading & Numbots



Reading & Numbots & Short Maths work sheet (w/s)



Reading & Numbots & Short Maths w/s & Spellings

Class 2, 3, & 4:

Autumn 1 onwards

Reading books & TTRS & Maths w/s

Class 5:

Autumn 1

Reading books &  weekly spellings & spag sheet, TTRS, Maths w/s


In addition, we will be sending home any completed end of unit / term assessments (age appropriate) that we complete in our maths lessons, in order for you to be able to see how your child is getting on.


We will review this process with you at the end of the year to identify its impact.


Don't forget:

Read to your children - this is invaluable. Miss Adams has sent home a leaflet with questions that can be used to support reading at home. This can also be found in the English section of the website. 
