In our Computing lesson, we made links to our learning in Science. We discussed how many minibeasts were in our tally (our data) and explored how we would represent this data. We used J2E to present our data using images to create a pictogram. We were then able to use this to answer questions.
After this, we discussed what an attribute was (e.g eye colour) and explored how we could represent this using a pictogram. The children were able to collect, tally and represent data.
Silly Science Workshop - Monday 18th March
On Monday, Professor Silver Nitrate came and delivered a Science workshop for the children. The children had the opportunity to experience fire experiments, a chemical reaction using effervescent tablets, water and film canisters, and even air machines. The hall was full of scientific discussions and lots of laughter!
5 times table x Red Nose Day
Year 2 was full of red on Friday to celebrate Red Nose Day and Comic Relief. As they donned their red clothes, the children worked to explore their 5 times table, using numicon, number lines and number tracks to help them visual how counting in 5s links to the 5 times table. They were able to recall facts that linked to their numicon.
Recognising Sounds in Music
In Music, we have been learning how to recognise sounds. We have learnt how to play the glockenspiel and sing The Music Man in the style of a pop/marching band. We then performed for Miss Adams!
Exploring Texture
In our art lessons, we have been exploring texture. We went into our playground and searched for different textures and created rubbings of these textures. We then looked at different objects that we thought we could use to recreate textures. Linking to our colour mixing, we experimented with creating colours and using a range of tools to recreate these textures.
World Book Day
This year, we started the day by having a word parade with Reception, Year 1 and Year, as the focus of our day was words. The children came as a variety of words including constellation, flamboyant and spring. Throughout the day, the children explored texts by the author Tom Percival and looked at how they were written and how the illustrations matched. We also explored the book 'The Big Book of the Blue' and looked at how this provided us with information.
Using atlases in Geography
In our Geography lessons, we have been learning how to use an atlas. The focus of our learning is based around Kenya and we have used our atlases to find the continent of Africa, then the country of Kenya and key locations within Kenya such as Nairobi and Mount Kenya.
In Computing, we have been learning how to collect data and represent this data in pictograms. We went into our playground and looked for objects that we could count such as the trees, benches, musical instruments and flowers. We used a tally chart to record our data before using J2E to create our pictograms. We are going to repeat this activity to link with our Science learning too!
Sharing in Maths
In our maths lessons, we have been learning how to group and share. We have used concrete resources to help us visualise, before explaining how we reached our answers.
Colour Mixing in Art
In our art lesson, we furthered our learning from Year 1, where we learnt about colour mixing. We looked at the primary and secondary colours and how we could mix these together to make different colours. We also looked at how we can add black and white to the colours to make them lighter and darker.
Micro-habitat Investigation
This week, in Science, the children in Year 2 have been learning about habitats and micro habitats. Learning about micro-habitats enhances ecological awareness, instilling a sense of responsibility for the delicate balance within ecosystems. Moreover, this knowledge empowers children to become stewards of the environment, promoting sustainable practices and a harmonious coexistence with nature. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves, their faces lit up with smiles, laughter, and delighted squeals while exploring the dark, damp conditions and discovering a range of minibeasts.
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