In Geography, we will be continuing to explore the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age period, but from a geographical perspective. We will explore the following objectives:
Design and Technology:
In Design and Technology, we are focusing on developing our cross-stitch and applique skills. By the end of our unit of work, we will be able to:
Ball Skills: Pupils will have the opportunity to develop their accuracy and consistency when tracking a ball. They will explore a variety of throwing techniques and will learn to select the appropriate throw for the situation. They will develop catching with one and two hands as well as dribbling with feet and hands. These skills will then be applied to small group games. Pupils will have the opportunity to take on different roles and work both individually and with others.
Gymnastics: In this unit pupils focus on improving the quality of their gymnastic movements. They are introduced to the terms ‘extension’ and ‘body tension.' They develop the basic skills of rolling, jumping and balancing and use them individually and in combination. Pupils develop their sequence work, collaborating with others to use matching and contrasting actions and shapes and develop linking sequences smoothly with actions that flow. Pupils develop their confidence to perform, considering the quality and control of their actions.
In our French lessons with Mrs Eeles, we will be learning how to say hello, my name is, our age and if we have any pets!
In our Jigsaw lessons, we will be 'Celebrating Difference'. We will be understanding that everyone's family is different and is important to them, exploring conflict, recognising strategies to help people when they are feeling down, understand the importance of words and understand the importance and the role of a witness.
We will be learning how to use the glockenspiels this half term! We will be learning how to play a part on a tuned instrument in time with the music and with each other. We will explore how to perform, create and listen to the composition in order to improve our playing.
In Computing, we will use a range of techniques to create a stop-frame animation using tablets. We will then apply those skills to create a story-based animation.