
Bredon Hancock's Endowed

C of E First School

Dream, Believe, Love, Work, Achieve!

Wider Curriculum


In History, we will exploring the question 'How hard was it to invade and settle in Britain?'. During this unit of work, we will have the opportunity to make historical connections to our previous learning on the prehistoric period. We will develop our understanding behind why people invaded and settled in Britain and evaluate how easy this was for Anglo-Saxons to do. We will also learn about Anglo-Saxon beliefs and the spread of Christianity. 



In PE, our focusses are football and dance. In football, we will be developing our passing, dribbling, attacking and defending skills. We will also have the opportunity to develop our team-working skills when working co-operatively to move the ball towards the goal. In dance, we will be creating our own dances in relation to a given theme. We will learn how to dance in canon, unison, formation and levels and have the opportunity to perform our dances.



 In DT, we are enhancing our understanding of the digital world in relation to wearable technology. We will develop of skills of research, design and evaluation. 



Our Art focus is on craft and design. We will be exploring the fabric of nature through creating our own mood boards, abstract drawings, textile techniques and repeated patterns.



Our computing is on branching databases. We will learn about what a branching database is and how to create one. We will explore and use yes/no questions to gain an understanding of what attributes are and how to use them. Throughout the unit, we will create physical and on-screen branching databases.



In French, we will be learning about colours and school subjects. We will also make comparisons between French and English schools.



Our musical spotlight is 'More Musical Styles'. We will learn about dynamics and explore changes in dynamics in the songs we listen to. 



Our Jigsaw puzzle piece is 'Healthy Me'. We will be learning what it means to be fit and healthy, in relation to exercise and diet. We will then move on to learning how to distinguish the difference between safe and unsafe choices. Our end of puzzle piece will be to create a 'Happy, Healthy Me Recipe Book'. 
