How is life different in Kenya?
In our Geography learning, we will be exploring the key question: How is life different in Kenya? We will develop our atlas skills to locate the continent of Africa and focus in on the country of Kenya and the capital city of Nairobi. We will investigate how the climate, weather, animals and landscapes differ from Bredon. We will also zoom in to Nairobi to identify the key features, the culture and trade links before creating a comparison between Nairobi and Bredon.
Painting and Mixed Media
In art, we will be learning about the primary and secondary colours, colour mixing and creating textures using different tools. We will make predictions about what will happen when two colours mix. We will also explore collage techniques and we will experiment with different materials and tools to recreate a texture. We will try different arrangements of materials, including overlapping shapes and we will choose collage materials based on colour and texture. By the end of the unit, the children will have had the opportunity to experiment and evaluate their artistic choices and will have developed their understanding of colour, texture and composition.
The children will begin to understand what the term data means and how data can be collected in the form of a tally chart. We will learn the term ‘attribute’ and use this to help organise data. We will then progress onto presenting data visually using software. The children will use the data presented to answer questions. During this unit of work, the children will use the j2e pictogram and j2e chart tools.
Invasion Games and Target Games
Invasion games are games where there are two teams and two goals. Teams try to score in the opposition’s goal. Examples include football, handball, rugby, netball, basketball, hockey. In this unit, we will develop our understanding of the principles of defending and attacking for invasion games. We will use and develop skills such as sending and receiving with both feet and hands, as well as dribbling with both feet and hands. The children will have the opportunity to play uneven and even sided games. They learn how to score points in these types of games and learn to play to the rules.
Target games are games where players send an object towards a target. In this unit, we will develop our understanding of the principles of defending and attacking for target games. The children will develop the skills of throwing, rolling and striking towards a target and are given opportunities to select and apply the appropriate action for the target considering the size and distance of the challenge. We will apply their skills individually, in pairs and in small groups and begin to organise and self-manage their own activities. The children will understand the importance of abiding by rules to keep themselves and others safe, learn how to score points and use simple tactics.
Healthy Me
In our Jigsaw lessons, our focus is 'Healthy Me'. We will explore what we need to keep our body healthy. We will also explore the difference between stressed and relaxed and how this is reflected in our body. We will explore how medicines can help us, but it is important to use them safely and responsibly. Finally, we will explore the foods our body needs everyday and make some healthy snacks and explain why they are good for us.
Recognising different sounds
In our music lessons, our musical spotlight focuses on recognising different sounds. When voices or instruments work together to play different pitches that sound at the same time, we can hear harmony in music. We will explore the voices and instruments used within the music in this unit to identify how and when harmony takes place. We will also investigate how many different instruments we can recognise.