Tuesday 13th September - Roald Dahl Day. Children are invited to come into school dressed as their favourite Roald Dahl character. The children will take part in a number of cross-curricular learning activities, based on a Roald Dahl text.
Thursday 15th September - Meet the Teacher.
Monday 19th September - School Closed - Her Majesty's Funeral.
Friday 23rd September - MacMillan Coffee Morning (run by Year 5).
Thursday 6th October - Poetry Day - Environment.
Monday 10th October - English and Maths Parent Information Meeting.
Thursday 13th October - Harvest Rehearsal.
Friday 14th October - Harvest Festival - taking place in the Church.
Tuesday 18th October - Parents' Consultation - 3:30 - 7:30pm.
Wednesday 19th October - Parents' Consultation - 3:30 - 5:30pm.
Thursday 20th October - Year 3 Visit to Bishop's Wood.
Friday 21st October - Last Day of Half Term.
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