
Bredon Hancock's Endowed

C of E First School

Dream, Believe, Love, Work, Achieve!

Early Years Information


Bredon Hancock’s Early Years –

Where the magic happens

Some might say that within the walls of the Early Years classroom at Bredon Hancock’s Church of England First School, is where the magic happens. Our Reception class is where we tenderly sew a love of learning for each and every one of our special little children that attend our delightful village school. From the moment children step through the door, we ensure children grow and develop within a divine Christian belief that we Do Everything in Love.

1 Corinthians 16:14



Our learning environment is interwoven with nature. We have said goodbye to visual noise and have created an environment that is neutral, natural and calm. We truly believe the environment is the “third teacher” and we empower our children to seek Awe and Wonder, stimulate their curious mind and explore the beauty of the process. 


Our bespoke curriculum is planned with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) at the basis of what we do, covering the 7 areas of learning. We holistically promote the Characteristics of Effective Learning. This is achieved by ensuring children are actively learning through play and exploration, and we offer endless opportunities for them to master creative and critical thinking skills. We are moulding life-long learners and citizens of the future, and we believe that “getting it right” has to happen in the preliminary, emergent years of childhood.

We have an irresistible belief that all children at Bredon Hancock’s will become competent, successful, fluent and passionate readers. We love reading and our curriculum revolves around rhymes, poetry, fiction and non-fiction books. We ensure all children have the opportunity to see their life reflected through literature and we offer extensive time to read for pleasure.


We believe in a “free flow” philosophy and encourage the children to step through our beautiful enchanting “fairy door” into the natural world. As well as our outside classroom; the children also have weekly Forest School sessions to promote new challenges, opportunities for risk taking in a safe environment and to become agents of their own learning. 

Recognising and celebrating our smallest members of the school community is our privilege and we ensure each and every child will reach their true potential. We adore working alongside our families to ensure we foster a conscious practice that embeds a respectful culture and celebrates the Christian faith.
