
Bredon Hancock's Endowed

C of E First School

Dream, Believe, Love, Work, Achieve!

Curriculum Enrichment

Science - Eating, Exercise and Hygiene

In Science, we have explored the importance of eating healthily, exercising and keeping ourselves clean. We completed an experiment using glitter to ensure we knew the steps to take to clean our hands thoroughly.

PE - Teamwork

In PE, we have been working on our listening and collaboration skills. We have played lots of different games that help us to talk to each other, listen to each other and work together.

Design and Technology - Cooking and Nutrition

In our DT lessons, we have explored the different food groups that need to be contained within our diet. We then looked at combining different ingredients to create a wrap that contained at least two different food groups. After creating our design, we looked at how to prepare different foods before creating and evaluating our wrap.

Music Workshop with Mr Komor

On Friday, Year 1 and Year 2 were incredibly lucky to experience a percussion workshop with our piano teacher, Mr Komor. The delight on the children’s faces was clear to see when they saw the drums, boomwhackers and tambourines upon entering the classroom. The children had the opportunity to explore how to play the instruments in different ways and had a go with each instrument. They then explored how to play different rhythms before performing together as a class. It was wonderful to see how the children explored and interpreted the music. Well done Year 1 and Year 2!

Art - Map It Out

In Art, we have been using maps as a stimulus. We have looked at a range of maps to inspire us in order to create our own map. We have used our drawing skills to create our own maps. We explored the different aspects of a map including roads, paths, buildings and natural elements.
