Where does our food come from?
Children will explore...
Textiles: Fastenings
Children will analyse and evaluate a range of existing fastenings and then devise a list of design criteria to design, generate templates and make a fabric book sleeve
Creating media
Children will learn about input and output devices, and discuss the ownership and copyright implications of digital audio. They will produce a podcast, which will include editing their work, adding multiple tracks, and opening and saving the audio files. Finally, children will evaluate their work and give feedback to their peers.
Gymnastics and Forest School
Children are expected to have indoor and outdoor kit in school at all times including trainers. Please make sure all kit is labelled.
Gymnastics - children will create and develop more complex sequences, both independently and with a partner. They will practice travelling actions, inverted movements, explore ways to include apparatus and be given opportunities to receive and provide feedback.
Forest School - children will engage in collaborative activities; promoting problem-solving, fostering teamwork and communication skills in a natural outdoor environment.
Celebrating difference
Children will learn about the importance of respect for similarity and difference. They will explore what makes them unique and promote anti-bullying.
Children will be learning how to say different sports in the French language, expressing their likes and dislikes and asking others which are their favourite sports. They will create a true or false quiz in French, about a timetable of sporting activities.
Explore feelings when you play
Children will listen to and sign a number of songs from a range of genres. They will play, improvise and compose using a selection of these notes: C, D, E, F, F♯, G, A, B♭, B.