
Bredon Hancock's Endowed

C of E First School

Dream, Believe, Love, Work, Achieve!

About Our School

Welcome to Bredon Hancock's Church of England First School!


We are a happy, family school with a Christian ethos where staff, children and families enjoy working together to continuously seek improvement and promote high standards of achievement and success. We are a small village school with approximately 160 pupils, aged 4-10 years, arranged currently in six classrooms, each accommodating a single year group. We are extremely proud of our school and invite you to come and see it for yourself.


Our vision and values are rooted in Christianity and are at  the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as happy and confident British and global citizens, as well as children of God.


We instil the spirit of love and faith, fostering an environment where every individual flourishes in the warmth of love for oneself, each other, our learning journey, and the world we share. Bredon Hancock’s C of E First School passionately adopts God’s message to ‘Do Everything in Love’*. Rooted in this divine wisdom, we cultivate a community that respects all and encourages our pupils to dream ambitiously, believe in their capabilities, work diligently and achieve their aspirations.

*1 Corinthians 16:14



This vision is rooted in biblical text from 1 Corinthians 13 where St Paul writes to the people of Corinth explaining what God's love is. This perfectly matches our way of thinking where all of the Christian Values we share in school are over-arched by "Love". Our rainbow theme, seen throughout school, serves as a reminder that we are a loving school as God would want us to be.


We strive for excellence in everything we do and use the tag line "Dream, Believe, Love, Work, Achieve!" in our everyday practice. 


As a Church of England school, we aim to:

  • To provide a happy, safe, supportive and challenging environment for our pupils, staff, parents and all who are associated with the school.

  • To provide a broad balanced curriculum through a range of learning styles, for all our pupils irrespective of gender, race, religion, ability or disability.

  • To develop in our pupils creativity, enquiring minds and perseverance.

  • To enable our pupils to become masters of their own learning, achieve their true potential and become life-long learners in the future.

  • To encourage our pupils to take pride in themselves and their behaviour, to be polite and respectful, and to become responsible members of society.

  • Promote Christian values of respect, service, friendship, kindness, responsibility and perseverance, compassion, truthfulness, generosity, thankfulness, hope and forgiveness.

  • Work in partnership with the church and promote Christian values by serving and supporting the local, National and Global community.

  • Give the children an awareness and tolerance of a variety of cultures and beliefs in the world around them.


We are a busy but friendly school, with lots going on. Our children feel confident and secure. They are incredibly hardworking and excited about learning. They enjoy their experiences and leave our school with a real thirst for more.

As our children progress through the school they are gradually encouraged to take on more responsibility for their learning, developing their own ability and learning to make worthwhile choices.

We offer a broad, balanced and creative curriculum that gives children equal access to a plethora of exciting activities including opportunities for spiritual, moral, social and cultural enhancement. We provide our pupils with a stimulating and engaging learning environment. We believe these things combined allow children to make the most of opportunities, leading them to develop positive self-esteem and experience success.

The classrooms are well resourced and appointed. Our staff work hard to create an atmosphere and ambience that is conducive to outstanding learning.

This website aims to give you a taster of the school, as well as providing regular updated information for both parents and pupils. We hope that you enjoy your visit here, and that you find any information you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the school office with any queries you may have or to arrange a visit.

Thank you for visiting!


Miss Newton-Smith

Head teacher

Church of England Vision for Education: Deeply Christian, Serving the Common Good (2016)

Statutory Information
