
Bredon Hancock's Endowed

C of E First School

Dream, Believe, Love, Work, Achieve!

Wider Curriculum


In History, we will be looking at the struggle for the Kingdom of England, with a particular focus on Britain's settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots. We will find out why the Anglo-Saxons came to Britain, where they came from, what life was like, what kingdoms were formed, how we know about the Anglo-Saxons and how religion influenced the Anglo-Saxons.



Our focus in Art is 'Growing Artists'. Throughout our unit of work, we will know the difference between organic and geometric shapes, use simple shapes to form the basis of a detailed drawing, use shading to demonstrate a sense of light and dark in their work, shade with a reasonable degree of accuracy and skill, blend tones smoothly and follow the four shading rules, collect a varied range of textures using frottage, use tools competently, being willing to experiment, generate ideas mostly independently and make decisions to compose an interesting frottage image, make considered cuts and tears to create their ideas, understand how to apply tone, with some guidance about where to use it, draw a framed selection of an image onto a large scale with some guidance and try a range of drawing materials, beginning to demonstrate expressive marks by trying tools in an interesting way.



In football, pupils will be encouraged to persevere when developing competencies in key skills and principles such as defending, attacking, sending, receiving and dribbling a ball. They will start by playing uneven and then move onto even sided games. They learn to work one on one and cooperatively within a team, showing respect for their teammates, opposition and referee. Pupils will be given opportunities to select and apply tactics to outwit the opposition.


In dance, pupils create dances in relation to an idea including historical and scientific stimuli. Pupils work individually, with a partner and in small groups, sharing their ideas. Pupils develop their use of counting and rhythm. Pupils learn to use canon, unison, formation and levels in their dances. They will be given the opportunity to perform to others and provide feedback using key terminology.



In French, we will continue to develop our understanding of the basics of the language, using the days of the week and numbers in every lesson. We will be introduced to new vocabulary based on classroom instructions and objects, and will be working towards putting this vocabulary into a conversation. We will also learn the colours in French and be able to discuss whether we like or dislike these colours.



In Jigsaw, our focus this term is 'Healthy Me'. We will explore how exercise affects my body and know why my heart and lungs are important, explore how drug can impact the body, identify things, people and places that I need to stay safe from, recognise that medicines need to be used correctly and recognise how important it is to take care of our bodies.



In Music, our learning focuses on 'The Dragon Song', which has a traditional folk melody. The song has key themes including kindness, respect and friendship. Throughout this unit, the children will have the opportunity to sing along with the song, be introduced to similar styles of music, listen and appraise, improvise and create their own performance.




Our unit in Computing explores the concept of sequencing in programming through Scratch. It begins with an introduction to the programming environment, which will be new to most learners. They will be introduced to a selection of motion, sound, and event blocks which they will use to create their own programs, featuring sequences. The final project is to make a representation of a piano. 


In Computing, we will conclude our learning based around branching databases. To conclude the unit, the children will create an identification tool using a branching database, which they will test by using it. They will also consider real-world applications for branching databases.
