
Bredon Hancock's Endowed

C of E First School

Dream, Believe, Love, Work, Achieve!

Wider Curriculum

History - Toys



Our History this half term will be focusing on changes within living memory, with the focus on toys. We will be looking at toys from the past and will compare them to those of today and how they have changed over time.





This unit looks at how to make a moving storybook. The children will identify whether a mechanism is a side-to-side slider or an up-and-down slider and determine what movement the mechanism will make.  Clearly label drawings to show which parts of their design will move and in which direction.  Make a picture, which meets the design criteria, with parts that move purposefully as planned.  And finally evaluate the main strengths and weaknesses of their design and suggest alterations.



Our P.E. days are Mondays and Wednesdays. It is expected that children have the correct named P.E. kit in school, jewellery is removed and long hair is tied back. Our units of work are:

Gymnastics - where they will In this unit pupils learn to use space safely and effectively. They explore and develop basic gymnastic actions on the floor and using low apparatus. Basic skills of jumping, rolling, balancing and travelling are used individually and in combination to create movement phrases.

Sending and receiving - they will develop their sending and receiving skills including throwing and catching, rolling, kicking, tracking and stopping a ball. Pupils will be given opportunities to work with a range of different sized balls.



This half term we will be covering the unit ‘In the groove’. In The Groove is a song that was specially written for classroom use to teach children about different styles of music. It has been arranged in six different styles; Blues, Baroque, Latin, Bhangra, Folk and Funk. Each week they will listen and learn a different style of In the Groove.

In the Listen and Appraise section of this unit the children will also listen to a well-known song in that week's style.

PSHE – Jigsaw


Mrs Kay will be looking at the unit ‘Dreams and goals’.  They will talk about setting simple goals, how to achieve them as well as overcoming difficulties when they try.  The children learn to recognise the feelings associated with facing obstacles to achieving their goals as well as when they achieve them.  They discuss partner working how to do this.



In computing we will be learning about programming - moving a robot.  This unit introduces learners to early programming concepts. Learners will explore using individual commands, both with other learners and as part of a computer program. They will identify what each floor robot command does and use that knowledge to start predicting the outcome of programs.  Learners are also introduced to the early stages of program design through the introduction of algorithms.
